Sunday, February 10, 2008

Abrolhos Islands

Hi ya. Well wanted to head up to geraldton to see Jay,
as he is working there. So did a bit of sight seeing as well.
So did a day flight out to the Abrolhos Islands. if you want to make photos bigger
just click on them and go arrow back key to go back

The plane, I got to sit in the front.
Very cool

Flying over Geraldton looking north up the coast

The Port

This is called Hummock Island
Has a weather station on it

Oh yeah people live out here during the cray season,
and also have pearl farms out here.
One of the islands with shacks on it.
This is called Pelsaert Island, named after the captain
of the Batavia as this is where they thought it had sunk.
One of the lagoons at the islands,
there are 122 islands here that sit on the edge of the Continenal
Not sure if you can tell but this has shacks along the edge of the island.
This is the largest one that houses fishermen
Has a footy field and a runway
Same Island these are on the Easter group

More shacks

This is on the island that we landed on, called east Wallabi
island. walked around to the point and went snorkling.
One of the big birds that live on the island's nest

A little lizard

This is the island where the Batavia sunk, and where the mutineers
murdered lots of people and then later were killed themselves.
this was in 1629,
Oh yeah they also want to build a resort out here now,
Don't think the hippies are going to like that.
Another lagoon

So nice and blue
lots of sharks too.
Big ship wanting to get into port

Looking at gerldton south

Very very dry, haven't had any rain
One of the people throw up in the plane about here as well.
Was a bit rough coming in for landing.
Well there you have it
Want to go there fishing next

Thursday, February 7, 2008


Hi all
Well just did my first swing. Was hot but was heaps of fun
Sorry photo's not great were on my phone

Me with my skid lid on,have to be worn when ever I go outside

This is a mantle, which helps crush the gold and rock up.
In the front of the workshop

Looking at the Mill from outside the workshop

That pile of stones and rock is the stock pile which is full of gold
I am up on the crusher

Looking over at the Mill from the Crusher

One of the landcrusier I work on.
These things are so damaged

The inside
Under the bonnet
These guys drive by feel

This is what they call a Nippers vehicle.
Because they nip everywhere under ground.
Man cage on the back
my shop
The other day it was 59 degrease in there
no air con
Looking out the back
Worked on the bobcat

Sun rise

Outside my room at the camp

Some of the Rooms at the camp

Love the red dirt

My room

My shower

My bed
Just enough room but not much
Get air con, fridge and on suite
Just to the right is my front door
Very cozy