Thursday, February 7, 2008


Hi all
Well just did my first swing. Was hot but was heaps of fun
Sorry photo's not great were on my phone

Me with my skid lid on,have to be worn when ever I go outside

This is a mantle, which helps crush the gold and rock up.
In the front of the workshop

Looking at the Mill from outside the workshop

That pile of stones and rock is the stock pile which is full of gold
I am up on the crusher

Looking over at the Mill from the Crusher

One of the landcrusier I work on.
These things are so damaged

The inside
Under the bonnet
These guys drive by feel

This is what they call a Nippers vehicle.
Because they nip everywhere under ground.
Man cage on the back
my shop
The other day it was 59 degrease in there
no air con
Looking out the back
Worked on the bobcat

Sun rise

Outside my room at the camp

Some of the Rooms at the camp

Love the red dirt

My room

My shower

My bed
Just enough room but not much
Get air con, fridge and on suite
Just to the right is my front door
Very cozy


Unknown said...

Hey , like your post . Ive been to Darlot and its not a bad site . Are you still working there ?

Jabba said...

Hey Ange, Hope you like it there . They are a great bunch of people as i had the pleasure of working with them for close on 6 years. I'm sure many of them are still there are i would love to catch up again . Say Gidday for me from Jabba. Keep the gold pouring as it is worth twice as much when i was there.... Adrian